'24 Primary Elections

On the ground floor of the Kansas Statehouse, alongside a trove artifacts from Kansas' history, is a plaque bearing a quote from President Lincoln, "All political power is inherent in the people."

It's a simple truth, one so obvious to most of us that we don't take the time to think about what it means - which is a problem, because it can mean so many things.

"All political power is inherent in the people."

That's the foundation for democracy and republicanism. It's also the foundation of anarchy and communism - the difference is found in how we choose to exercise our power.

We live in a democratic republic. Here, we entrust our power to our elected officials and send them to the Capitol to exercise that power with wisdom and discernment. That's not to say that once elected, a legislator or office holder should lose touch with - or accountability from - their constituents; but it does make the act of choosing a leader with good character and temperament even more important.


With that in mind, Kansans First is proud to endorse the following candidates for the upcoming Primary Election on August 6th.

  • Senate District 9 - Bryan Zesiger (R)

  • Senate District 17 - Mike Argabright (R)

  • Senate District 20 - Sen. Brenda Dietrich (R)

  • Senate District 33 - John Sturn (R)

  • Senate District 36 - Elaine Bowers (R)

  • House District 60 - Rep. Mark Schreiber (R) 

  • House District 77 - Doug Law (R)

  • House District 107 - Dawn Wolf (R)

  • State Board of Education District 4 - Gina Montalbano-Zesiger (R)

  • State Board of Education District 10 - Marvin Miller (R)